Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Wrong End Of The Dial released

Finally, I can relax. My album Wrong End  Of The Dial is now out on itunes and a host of other online stores and streaming sites. That's my release flyer above.

For whatever reasons, it never showed up in pre-release and Ditto never got back to me, but it's there now in itunes Australia and in Amazon (as an mp3 album) - the two online shops I can see.

You can buy the whole album or individual songs or find them at these locations:

Front Cover

Back Cover
Monday should have been a great day, but wouldn't you believe it, those damn royals ruined the party by announcing Kate's pregnancy in a rather dramatic fashion.

Oh well, I'll keep plugging along. Work on my revised web site is taking longer than I've planned, partly because I can't find an easy to use WISYWIG web editor.

On a good note I've pretty well finalized the verses in my latest song. It's a blues tune I've called Milk and Honey, and I've got the structure sorted out. Now all I have to do is work out the melody and decide what instruments I'll use.